New Patient Group Podcast

The Real Reason your Online Marketing is NOT Producing the Exceptional Results you Need

October 02, 2023 Brian Wright Season 6 Episode 92

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Free On-Demand Workshop at - Answering and Scheduling your New Patient Phone Calls so you can focus on the new patient experience when people enter your practice. 

Welcome to today's podcast with our Founder and CEO, Brian Wright. 
Have you ever wondered why your digital marketing strategies aren't delivering the results you so desperately desire?  Prepare to unravel the mystery with us as we transcend the borders of conventional knowledge to give a refreshing perspective on digital marketing. 

Dive into the realm of customer focus and scalability, as we discuss our new patient group coaching program, a harmonious blend of business and life coaching, leadership training  culture building and online marketing. We discuss the significance of fostering an environment that breathes customer focus and automating processes for time efficiency, the role of strategic planning, and investing in team training for an unmatched customer experience. Hear about the transformational journey from being a Chief Everything Officer to Chief Executive Officer, an insightful revelation for your digital marketing success.

As we wrap up the episode, join us in exploring the powerful influence of culture on digital marketing success. We'll touch on why Pay-Per-Click advertising might not be the best strategy and how you can reap the most out of your digital marketing efforts. The significance of personalized content, regular meetings with your digital marketing company, and cultivating a culture that encourages your team's participation in social media content creation cannot be overstated. So gear up, tune in, and let's journey together towards unparalleled digital marketing success.

Speaker 1:

A new patient group in RightChat Nation. Welcome inside the new broadcast booth as we are coming to you from Colorado Springs. The move from Houston has finally happened and if you're watching over on YouTube, hey, there, a little bit of a disaster. You know we're. I just set up in my home office. Right now I don't know where the studio is going to be May end up being in the basement, not sure but for right now we're coming to you from my new home office in Flying Horse, colorado Springs. We could not be happier. We're so excited that we are here. I have some really interesting stories for you about this move on the other end after we get through this intro. But hope everybody had a good September. Let's get October rolling with a good one.

Speaker 1:

Today we're going to be talking about the real reason your digital marketing isn't producing the results that it otherwise could. Or you may be in a place where you're actually really happy with how your digital marketing is going and I talked to you about today may paint some, maybe some, images in your mind on how it actually could be better. Don't do a lot of digital marketing topics on here, even though New Patient Group has a beautiful digital marketing division, the websites. The team comes up with the social media, the personalization, the YouTube marketing and how we really create creative videos along with our partner or practices excuse me our customers, to enhance the patient experience and conversion and save them time. So many beautiful things we do in the digital marketing front, even though we are more known for the coaching, the business life coaching, the team training side of New Patient Group.

Speaker 1:

Today, I'm going to combine those and tell you a very unique way on how you could do better with digital marketing, and it really doesn't have anything to do with digital marketing at all. There's a true difference between the customers that we have that really dominate and absolutely love working with us on the digital marketing side, versus the ones that they don't do that well. They're personal stations on Facebook, their channels on Facebook and everything they're fine, but if you compare them to our other customers, they don't even come close. There's a unique difference between the two that I want to talk to you about today that is really going to help take your digital marketing to a level that you may not have thought possible before and help you out in so many ways. All right, looking forward to a great one. Before we get started. Let's fire up the music.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking doctors that want less headaches and more personal and financial freedom. And now your host. He's the founder and CEO of New Patient Group, co-founder of RightChat and a trusted speaker for Invisalign OrthoFi dental monitoring and others, brian Wright.

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, welcome, and a few updates for you and a couple stories before we get started. Today and I want to give a shout out to my business partner on RightChat, dr Robert Barton covered me. We were supposed to be in Synergy or, excuse me, in Miami for the Synergy event. Synergy is they're a big accounting firm. They have all kinds of different doctors, dentist, orthodontist, plastic surgeons, all across the spectrum and the leader of that group, amir, a fan of mine, podcast listener. I was their keynote last year in Miami.

Speaker 1:

They invited me back to speak again this year and I tell you we got into this house a lot of stressful situations that I'm going to talk to you about and kind of paint some images on, hopefully, on what you're not doing for your customer and your patient. Our move was somewhat of a nightmare, to say the least, but at least we have a house. So when I get to that story, I've been telling everybody hey, look, I'd rather have that stuff happen to me. We have a house, we'll get through it, but there are some pretty, pretty ugly, amazing stories that I have for you here pretty soon. But anyway, I got hit with a virus or something. Wasn't COVID? It's funny in this COVID time. It's like you get sick. Everyone automatically thinks it's COVID, but wasn't COVID. I don't even know what the hell it was, but it sure has held. Knock me down hard. I had over 100 for a few days straight on the temperature dial and just couldn't get rid of it. Anyway, point is is that Rob had to hop up on stage and be me, so I went through a Zoom session with him and kind of taught him the deck and just said, hey, go get him. So shout out to you, rob, appreciate you covering us. I heard it was a really great event. We had a lot of interest in a new patient group and write chat, so appreciate that Also.

Speaker 1:

Miami is one of my. If you're a foodie, Miami has an extraordinary amount of five star rated restaurants within a very short distance of themselves, all walking distance. So I think the food quality, the food options, the diversity of the food there is pretty off the charts. So really miss going to Miami, one of my favorite cities to visit. We never want to live there, but definitely one of my favorite cities to visit. So it was turned out to be a really good event. Want to give a shout out? Align Technology and all the just the audience members and also Dr Regina Blevins. Regina and I spoke at Orthopreneurs. We got wonderful reviews. The audience really liked it.

Speaker 1:

The Align people which you know when you, when you speak for companies and you, you build these close relationships and then boom, all of a sudden you know five of those close relationships leave and go to a different company. You're always kind of starting over. Well, we have a really good Align Technology made me faculty a few months ago and we have a lot of really cool things going on together. But a lot of the newer names maybe not even newer names. They just didn't know me very well. Maybe I was a newer name to them.

Speaker 1:

I think there was some skepticism going into some of those events. But they saw me speak, they saw the content, they saw the audience reaction and the audience absolutely loved it. The feedback was great for Regina and I's presentation that Thursday evening and then I came back and did a Friday afternoon lunch and a Saturday afternoon lunch and I did that one solo. The feedback was great from Align and the audience members and to Align Technology. We're going to be doing great things together.

Speaker 1:

I know there's things I'm going to announce later that we're working on. It's not. It's not ready to announce. I probably could, but I'm not going to. I don't want to jinx it. I don't want to jinx anything. We'll get. We'll get there A lot of really cool things going on there, but feedback was great.

Speaker 1:

Podcast listeners that I met for the first time. As you've heard me say on here so many times, it's one of my favorite things to do. Traveling around and speaking is just getting to meet a lot of the faces behind the numbers in the admin section of our podcast. It was great meeting you and getting to take social media pictures for your channels with you and all that stuff. It was really good. One more thing Last last podcast.

Speaker 1:

So in September I announced our MPG iconic event and it's our first doctor and team event and if you haven't listened to that podcast, go back and do it. We'll describe what that event is. But it's also going to describe why we're doing it and why there is such interest in it and why we have a sold out audience basically right after we announced it. What I didn't specify in that podcast is our first one is coming in January. Second weekend of January is that is a new patient group customer event only Not going to let anybody outside of the new patient group family into that specific event. Now I do and we intend to have another one. We have not picked the date yet. I don't know if it's going to be in 2024 or the first one in 2025. We are going to have another one for non new patient group customers. This may be dedicated to our right chat customers. Maybe if you're a new patient group customer and you're digital marketing only, we're going to figure it out.

Speaker 1:

I bring this up because we got an enormous amount of people on our website and just calling our 800 number saying, hey, how do I get into that MPG iconic event? But you're not customers. There's a lot of reasons. We had our mastermind group meeting last, last month, and part of the conversation among other things that day was talking about iconic and I brought up you know, should we have outside parties there? Blah, blah, blah, and the doctors were pretty adamant about about not having outside parties. And I agree because when you, when you are with us with new patient group for two years, three years, seven years, eight years, etc. You become so advanced at a lot of these sales fundamentals, the psychological fundamentals, the presentation skills, all the things you hear me talk so much about on here that that I think that you being with each other and pushing each other to keep coming out of your boundaries and out of your comfort zone is going to be so much better than putting people in the room that have never gone through the program. So I want to keep them separate. So I announced this now. We will have another one here in Colorado Springs for outside parties, but I need to see that there's legitimate interest in people wanting to do it, and if we get that same amount of interest as we did when I announced this you know, on last month's podcast we will start putting together one for all of the non new patient group customers, and I really look forward to January.

Speaker 1:

Like I said last podcast, it is going to be something that is totally different than what has ever been offered inside this industry before. You know there is and I'll have a podcast about this at some point there is a huge hole in your trainings out there. There's a huge hole in events out there, and and you know, everyone talks about the importance of training and systems and you know all that stuff, and nobody disagrees that they need that, and it could always be better. The one thing that's always amazed me, you know, when I speak, I bring people up on stage and I put them in role play situations, and I do that because that's training. Training is not talking about something. Training is not documenting. Now, those things are obviously a part of training, but the biggest thing missing from all of your training programs out there is actually making people practice it over and over and over again, just like an athlete would. And the best return on investment of any marketing you'll ever do is making your people practice and doing it repetitively, yes, when they don't know it, but also doing it repetitively, want repetitively, once they become experts at it again, exactly like an athlete. So that's what this event is going to really separate itself from all the others.

Speaker 1:

Out there is the exercises and the interaction and the role plays, and and I absolutely can't wait for it so I mentioned on the front end, coming from you, coming to you from a new broadcast booth today in our home in Colorado Springs, and we got in here a couple Mondays ago and I drove up from Houston so long time ago. You could bring your dog in the cargo hold on airplanes, but they don't let you do that anymore. They had too many accidents. So unless it's a service, unless it's a service dog or it's small enough to fit in a cage underneath the seat in front of you, can't do it. So we have a golden dude, always too big to go into the seat in front of you. So I drove from Houston to Colorado in one day.

Speaker 1:

Family flew in on Tuesday, picked him up. We were supposed to close Wednesday. Closing got all jacked up. So the next thing, you know, it got pushed to Friday. Closing got all jacked up. So then it got pushed to Monday and finally I had to, you know, kind of move the needle and kind of, I guess, not be nice if you, if you will, to kind of make sure it got all jacked up Monday as well. And I end up, you know we had a rental and then shout out Mike, he is the, the lender that I work with. He was nice enough to let my family stay in his, his son's room and it's kind of like a mother-in-law suite. So it kind of worked out perfect until we moved in, you know.

Speaker 1:

Then we moved into the house and the movers, you know, jacked up the moving date. So thank goodness it didn't close on Friday because we would have gone another week basically without furniture. So we went about a week and a half without furniture and we just, luckily the neighbors were nice and they brought us kind of blow up beds and we just kind of made a slumber party of it the two little kids and my and Kristen and I down in the basement, and it ended up it worked out great. Then the moving company came and I tell you and I don't want to get in the weeds on this because we got to get to today's topic, but these are the things you know it's truly, it's truly unbelievable how just bad companies suck.

Speaker 1:

And this is why you know one of and this is actually a podcast topic, I'm sure at some point as well, because it's such a good point to be made is that the reason why constantly focusing inside your doors, which is inevitably what we're going to be talking about today, is it relates to your digital marketing and it's so few people can wrap their head around it. Most people agree with it, like, if you hear me up on stage, like the audience. You know, like the feedback from orthopaneurs, the feedback is constantly best content I've ever seen, best speaker I've ever seen, and I really appreciate it, cause, as you hear me on, it's not about me, it's about me working my butt off for all of you, and I can't tell you the amount of times I busted myself in the chops to say look, dude, you got to get better, you got to get better, you got to get better Exactly what we teach all of you out there. But because so few people actually will go and actually make that their culture of a constant look within a constant change, practicing role plays, discipline, accountability, all that stuff, the ones that do are really the one percenters, what I call them, and it's why you, in any industry, will kick everyone's ass, because there's nobody that will compete with you, because you're focusing on constantly being better for the customer. You're not focusing on advertising, you're focusing on the customer. There is a slogan. There's not really a slogan, it's more of a mission statement that we have, that we've come up with with RightChat, and we are obsessed with our customers, not new sales. And that is such a mantra, such a mission, such a vision that all of you should have internally inside your organizations is stop worrying about production, new sales, new patients, all this crap, and start going. How can we better the experience for our customers, our customers that have bought from us and our customers that are gonna spend their valuable time walking through our doors? How can we always look at that and how can we improve it? Obviously clinically, but also non-clinically, and if that's the culture, you will always win.

Speaker 1:

And this moving company was literally the biggest disaster of any company I've ever dealt with in my life, from A to Z. And just long story short, when they showed up, they broke all four of our TVs. Another TV didn't even come. They broke a lot of my podcast equipment. My Max damaged a coffee machine that was one of those touch button 15 different coffees stuff that I invested in a long time ago. So when I have you as doctors, come in and just friends that people who enjoy coffee can have a great experience. They forgot our queen mattress in the guest bedroom. They forgot tons of our clothes. Basically, we've counted it up and we're up to around $100,000 of damage or just lost items. And all this company says is screw you, go file a claim, could care less. And a lot of the stuff that did show up was damaged too, like our king mattress shows up unwrapped, completely dirty and I don't.

Speaker 1:

I could sit here and talk to all of you for the next hour and a half about what a disaster it was, but at least we're here, we're getting through it. Like I said, I would rather it happen to us and overcome it than have it happen to any of you. But, lesson learned when you're moving, especially nationally, you've really got to do your due diligence on these companies, because they are a disaster. I mean, they hire people that don't care. They're obviously their culture. They don't give a damn. It was a brutal situation and we're here and we're loving it. Yesterday was a beautiful day. It was the first day I actually started feeling better and could get out of the house in the last few. So we went on a nice beautiful hike and it was Mueller State Park and it was just absolutely gorgeous and it's everything we dreamed of. So we're here.

Speaker 1:

So everybody topic today, let's roll in and start talking about this, and this is one that you know. It's like I say a million times on here it's been on the note list. It's like when are you gonna do it? And I thought today was really great because actually just this morning put out a message in our mastermind meeting about some of this and not our mastermind meeting, our mastermind group, our chat thread Talking about this topic, and just the expectations I have of everybody and it's a relatively unbelievable one that I think that we have to constantly just like you all just like and I talked about this from a compliance standpoint earlier in this season you know, not only are patients not compliant, you're not compliant Like you hire companies and then you don't follow the rules, their guidelines. You wanna change everything, you wanna do it your way, yet you wanna complain whenever a patient doesn't wear their aligners or wants to do it their way and wear it 16 hours a day instead of 22 plus. It's the same thing In just a different way, and I have seen this over and over and over again ever since I started this company of digital marketing holes in the boat of practices that have nothing to do with digital marketing whatsoever, and I want you, as I'm leading up to this, I want you to kinda be guessing in your head where you think that I'm going with this.

Speaker 1:

When I started New Patient Group 10 years ago 11 years next month actually, so it'll be 11 years in November, which is crazy I had this vision and I knew that it would keep us from being truly scalable. We are not a company that is worried about scalability. We're a company that's constantly doing. What I teach all of you out there is saying look, here's our customer today, what can we do to deliver better results for this customer tomorrow? And we're constantly having meetings about it, constantly, and I probably aggravate our whole team about it, because I'm never cool with what we got and I don't wanna be cool with what we got, because if I'm cool with what we got, there's no more vision, there's no more future, there's no more to look forward to and there's no more getting it better for all of you out there. I mean, our program has been amazing since day one, but it is so much more amazing 10 years later than it was day one. It's crazy because we're always teaching something new and we're always challenging what we taught yesterday to make it better, and that's what all of you deserve.

Speaker 1:

But that's the culture that we have as well, and that culture again is obsess over our customers rather than new sales, because I know the sales that come from obsessing over the customers. Those customers are gonna be way better than some random Joe that finds us on Google, and that's the same way for all of you out there as well. If you obsess over your customers and you make them into fans, they will refer other people like them and you will have an easier time running your practice. Then have them dump a bunch of money into Google. Then have them random Joe, jane and Bob call your practice, asking about price. Your reception is blowing it and et cetera, et cetera, and you know the story if you listen to this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I set up the digital marketing division, I had this vision of look, I want to have the best people I possibly can have running my digital marketing team. The best web designer, the best search engine optimization specialist, the best VP of marketing, the best just person to interact with social media, with our customers, the most innovative people from a graphic standpoint and studying the data and all the numbers that come with it that to some out there are boring but to some it's very intriguing and I wanted those, obviously. That they thought was intriguing and how they could personalize when the posts go up based on the data. You know, I had a very forward thinking vision many years ago about what YouTube was going to become, and it has become that Google owns YouTube and I've done a podcast in this, I think a few seasons ago around.

Speaker 1:

If you're not doing YouTube videos, you're dead in a few years. Your search results are tied to it. People search on video first. Youtube is becoming the new Google. It's the second largest search engine in the world. Yet there's so many people. Youtube stations are just blah. You look at restaurants and plumbing companies and salons and facial places and orthodontic practices, etc. You know you have some patient testimonial that's not even coded or titled right. That sits in your YouTube station for three years. You have nothing else. Your lights look like they're turned off.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted the best of the best. I wanted to invest in the best of the best, but I wanted those people to be the ones that also worked with our customers, so our customers either didn't have to hire anybody or, if they had a person, my team could work directly with that person to carry out all the personalized content that we do every month, because we create personal marketing assignments for the practice to carry out. We kind of hold their hand. We have one or two Zoom sessions a month and I wanted it to be a digital marketing program on steroids, because I also wanted it to be a coaching program. You know how to shoot this video, what to say, how to hold the phone, all these things that people have problems with. Also, motivation, accountability, etc, etc.

Speaker 1:

And for over the years, you know, we went through different web designers and different search engine people and different social media people and there was a point where, man, I was going freaking crazy. You know, just from a business owner, I'm like all right, is there something wrong with my vision? Is like what the hell is going on here? But I noticed, you know, over the years we finally got the right team and something I pride myself on with all my companies but the ones you all know New Patient Group and RightChat is we keep the good people. I, culturally, have always tried to create a situation where the good people stay and the bad people just weed themselves out or they may not be bad people, but they just met. They may not, they may be fine for another organization. They just don't fit our culture. And RightChat as well, where the great agents stay and the okay ones they just weed themselves out. And it took a long fricking time but the vision finally paid off.

Speaker 1:

We have such an amazing Today's not about our team, but I'm doing all of this and I'm going to tie it in because earlier I said remember, as I'm talking here, I want you all to be kind of taking a guess where I'm going with this. And if you've been a podcast listener for a while and you're a New Patient Group customer, you probably are certainly going to get this. But this is why there is no, you know, piece of your business that stands alone. It's all intertwined and it's why, when I get up on stage, I have that consumer journey that comes up from business mindset to digital marketing, a new patient phone call, all the steps up until sale and after sale leading to whether or not you create a fan of your business or just a patient or a regretful buyer. That's a podcast coming and that's one of my favorite topics on kind of file right now to talk about. That's going to be next season. Most likely is is those three patient, those three customer scenarios.

Speaker 1:

So I say to myself, if I'm going to take, you know, the best of the best on our team and that's who we're going to assign to the, to the practice, to the customer. Yeah, I mean, that is a little bit of a scalability problem. You know, how are you going to have, you know, 500 digital marketing customers and have that kind of model? I was like, well, we'll just figure that out, you know. But I don't want any customer to feel like we have a bunch of other customers. It's hard sometimes, sometimes it's impossible, but that is the vision, that is, the goal is to make people feel like there are only customer.

Speaker 1:

Well, one of the things that has always bugged me helping other businesses is when I or or our team, cares more about the person's business than the people we're trying to help. And this happens a lot, you know. You guys know I and I'm becoming known for this from a you know teaching people to outsource as much as you can, to create an environment inside your practice that has very little chaos, very little turnover and you're able to be 100% customer focused. You can greet the existing patients when they walk through the door right away. You can greet the new patients when they walk through the door right away, because all the stuff that's keeping you from doing that today it's all outsourced and, honestly, if you find the right outsource partners, they're going to be better than your own people anyway, and through that comes comes time to spend with each other, time to do things that allow your business to move forward tomorrow, rather than just keeping the door to your practice open today Another podcast topic in itself, because that is an entirely different mindset from a business standpoint, because most of you out there are so reactive, from your job descriptions to what you're doing every day.

Speaker 1:

When the doors open, you're just trying to survive today. You're not doing anything for tomorrow, and the best entrepreneurs know that that tomorrow is what matters. You've got to be moving the needle forward tomorrow, but you've got to automate and just get today streamlined, and that's not easy. Not very many people figure that out, but that's one of the big parts of our new patient group coaching program. Well, I knew, as I was creating this program, that has everything under one roof business and life coaching, leadership training, culture building all the foundational items for any entrepreneur, any business, regardless of size. Team training, training your people, how to interact with your customer, your patient, in any given scenario better than your other. Quote, unquote air quotes competition, and then also digital marketing. Now, what did this deal where you're working with one company and we're going to build this beautiful brand for you to create a story from the time people shop to the time they call all the things you hear, to make sure you're enlightening people on why you're better clinically and non and therefore you can charge higher prices regardless of economic conditions. Our practices prove it time and time again the ones that are compliant.

Speaker 1:

So there's this leaky hole that I've never been able to quite fix on the digital marketing side, and this is especially true if there we don't have many. So one's about to describe the ones that do digital marketing with us. Only we don't have many of those customers. We have quite a few digital marketing customers, but the majority of them are also doing our coaching program as well, and kind of the proof of where I'm heading today and I'm getting there here very shortly is every single customer that we've ever had that does digital marketing with us, but also the inside the doors coaching, culture building, leadership, training, business and life coaching, entrepreneur coaching, team, all the stuff. Every single digital marketing customer that also has that coaching that I just mentioned. Their digital marketing presence beats the crap out of every customer we have that just does digital marketing with us. And there's a very, very specific reason for this that I'm about to bring up and as I get closer to bringing it up, I'm hoping many of you out there are already knowing what I'm going to say. But it is amazing and we've even recently had some scenarios with coaching customers, and those are easy because I can get on the phone on a zoom and say, hey look, we got to get your stuff together Like.

Speaker 1:

The reality is this is this is not because an example if you're a coaching customer with us, we require an adult in the room to be on the coaching sessions. So we're in your practice or on zoom, one of the leadership team members must be there, meaning office manager or the doctor owner, not an associate or the doctor owner or both. All right, if they aren't there, we don't deliver the coaching session, we cancel it and we do it another time. It is a mandatory requirement that you are there for the meetings and there's all kinds of reasons. One, you should be there for the meetings because if you're not, it shows your team that you don't see enough value in it. Two, you should be there for the meetings because if you're not, you're not going to see value in what we just trained on. Three, you should be there for the meetings, because if you're not, it's very unlikely that the team's going to do it, because you can't hold them accountable, because you don't know what the training was about. Four, and this is probably the biggest one, if you're not there, you can't be first to volunteer to role play before your team goes, because they should see you stumble over your words and not be able to do it, because it's going to inspire them and make them feel comfortable, which you should make yourself as a leader. That's one of the best traits is making your people feel comfortable. They will be more comfortable to do the role plays and mess it up themselves, because we know what we teach is very high level and you are going to mess it up.

Speaker 1:

So, as I put together this digital marketing vision many years ago, one of them was is one or two Zoom sessions a month with the digital marketing customer. So if you're doing coaching with us, you're going to meet with the coaches, but you're also going to have separate sessions with the digital marketing coaches and they're going to update you on data and teach you, et cetera. Well, every once in a while, we get a scenario come up where it's like look, the digital marketing is not working. We look at each other and we're like, well, yeah, no, kidding. The last seven Zoom sessions that we requested from you, you canceled every single one of them.

Speaker 1:

We can't get you to respond to an email. We can't get you respond to a text message. We can't get you to block the time to sit down with us to personalize the marketing assignments, to coach you how to shoot it, to walk you through the content, to hold you accountable, to go over the data, to why we're we just had a doctor their day complain about you know why are you posting on? You know, wednesday and Thursday. Why aren't you posting Monday, tuesday and every single day? Well, the answer was simple the team analyzed the data and the engagement was happening on Wednesday and Thursday, so they wanted to double and triple down on the posts on those days to see what happened. Right, it was all a strategic play by the team, which is another reason why I think they're absolutely awesome.

Speaker 1:

But if you're a doctor and the team can't get ahold of you to explain what they're going to do for the next three months to track the data, and you think, why aren't posts going up every day? And you just shoot off a message to us like what the hell is going on? Then we look at you like what the hell are you doing? Business owner, like we care more about your business than you and that's screwed up. It shouldn't be that way. And the point of this and all of you can kind of probably nod your head, yes, when I say this is that if your digital marketing is not doing for you what you think it otherwise should or could, it is because of your culture period. End of story. We run into this a lot of times when we're doing digital marketing for people you know make believe names Janice and Timmy they just don't want to participate.

Speaker 1:

So many of you out there driving in your car, working out, listening to this right now, you probably could relate to this. You know you have a great idea, you're pretty pumped about it, you bring it back to your practice and your team members just crap all over it, right? If that happens, that's your fault. That's a leadership culture problem, right? If they're still work for you, then that's your problem. Well, I can't find anybody. We'll can them anyway, and that's a podcast in itself. But the other part is is that they may act like that because of the poor culture you've built. So you can take a great person with a great attitude and a great personality and really hard worker and you can ruin that person with a bad culture and also letting bad employees stay. And those are probably two or three podcasts just right there, all around culture, and the worst mistake you can make. You know from an employment standpoint, etc. Etc. All kinds of stuff. But you get this deal where it's like.

Speaker 1:

You know, a big part of our digital marketing and why it works is everything's personalized. We do not post template stuff. Now, if you force us to, we will meaning, if we can't get a hold of you, if we can't get you to shoot stuff, if you come up with 10,000 excuses that you don't have enough time, if we can't get you on a zoom session, then yeah, we've got to whip something out of the bag, because if we don't, the next thing you know we're being told we're not making any posts. But if it was up to me, we wouldn't make any posts Because the template stuff doesn't work. I can't believe there's actually companies out there that still get paid by a lot of you. That is mostly templated stuff and they get away with it because they tell you it's easy, we've got it all, it's all in our bag, we'll post here, we can grab this marketing thing, we can pull this out of here, you don't have to do a thing.

Speaker 1:

Doctor, and I've said for many years, whatever company tells you it's easy, you should run from them as fast as you possibly can. Nothing's easy, and there's exceptions, of course, but this is why and I mentioned it earlier this is why I'm such an advocate of outsourcing, to get rid of all the chaos, because when you do this whole we don't have time excuse goes away. And, by the way, if you allow your employees to use that, your culture's over. If you use that as a leader, then the employees are going to say it. It's just like, you know, my eight year old. He's in this stage where, if I say it, if I say it, he says it. I got to really, really watch what the heck I say, because he's just going to repeat it, and it's the employees in your office. Same way If you say we don't have enough time, they're going to say that we don't have enough time. If you create a culture, though, instead of saying that say, look, we feel that we don't have enough time. We need to set our business up in a way let's strategize, let's meet together about this. Then they're going to have those same mentalities.

Speaker 1:

Digital marketing is hard, everybody. Digital marketing is not something where you just go out and hire a marketing company. You find somebody cheap and they throw stuff online for you. Like I said in the beginning, you know you've got to find people that absolutely love it. You've got to find people that study the data. You've got to find people that, once they have the data, know what to tell you in order to make the data better. You have to have people that are strategizing. Like I said, they wanted to double and triple down on Wednesday and Thursday with posts on Instagram, or maybe it was Facebook, maybe a combination of both Yet the doctor wouldn't pay any attention to them, so the doctor blew up Meanwhile.

Speaker 1:

The team is right. It's just the fact that the doctor wouldn't get on a Zoom session wouldn't communicate. Team members are always pushing back, you know. Or it could be the other way around. We've had situations where team members wanted to do it and every single time the team member brought something up. The doctor poo-pooed it and finally the team member finally just said screw it. Then the doctor wants to know why Janice isn't.

Speaker 1:

And this is how you take a great person and you turn them into a crappy employee. Is that if you have a culture that doesn't let your people talk, doesn't let your people think, doesn't support your people's ideas, doesn't encourage people to have ideas, if you're constantly poo-pooing all that stuff, then you're going to take somebody that wants to give to you, wants to help you, and you're going to turn them into trash. And then you're going to turn around and you're going to complain to your buddies that you have bad employees. Meanwhile they're great. It's just you, as a leader, destroyed the culture and turning destroyed the employee. And see, this has everything to do with digital marketing, just like it has everything to do with how your people speak on the new patient call or the existing patient call. It has everything to do with your new patient experience. It has everything to do with how people present money. It has everything to do with how your clinical team is chair side. It's all how you are as a leader in the culture you build. And today I'm just relating it to the digital marketing. If you want your website to produce exceptional results, if you want your Facebook channel to dominate your Instagram, your TikTok, your YouTube station. You better damn well have a culture that supports that.

Speaker 1:

Because another thing too is and this is where I love the whole take a patient coming in there and saying, hey, doc, how long is this going to take? And you kind of chuckle because, let's say, it's an 18 month case. In your mind, a lot of that is determined on. Hey, joey, are you going to wear your aligners? Are you going to scan every single week? Are you going to show up to your appointments? How's your hygiene going to be Like? There's all kinds of variables. Well, it's the same way in the business world. I love the question of well, how long do you think you're going to until you're going to grow us 30%? Or how long until we can see the results on social media? And that's why I sit back and say are you going to make the beatings? Are you going to be compliant? Are you going to show up every week? Are you going to have your operational success meetings? Are you going to meet with your team? Are you going to role play? Are you going to shoot the content? Are you going to meet with my team? Are you going to do all the things that we know make a successful customer successful Right.

Speaker 1:

There's so many intangibles and the number one, biggest one anytime we go into a practice is what's the culture like? I've used Jet Pascals practice on here a thousand times and I'm about to use it again Out of anybody I've ever worked with in my career. I was set up to succeed inside that practice and we were set up to succeed inside that practice prior to us walking through the door. Why? Because of the culture. Like he and Lisa, who I've said many times is, if I was going to hire and there's not a lot of them if I was going to hire an office manager to run my company, she would be the first on the list and there's a few Rob Schaefer's office manager, mark Olson's office manager, jet Pascal that I just mentioned, and there's a few others. Like, without a doubt. Why? Because they understand that innovating and changing and practicing and holding people accountable all intertwine with how successful any company they hire.

Speaker 1:

From an outside party standpoint is going to be Like if we walk through the door and your culture is a nightmare, there isn't a chance in hell any of our training is going to work and there's no chance in hell our digital marketing is going to work. It's not possible, which is why culture building, leadership training, entrepreneur coaching all that stuff is embedded into our trainings. You know, from a selfish standpoint, that helps ensure us we are going to win every time. If we didn't have that, it would be a total crapshoot. And unless we walked into the Jet Pascal's of the world, where the culture is already built for us Now does that mean just the same way with, like a Boyd Whitlock? You know it doesn't mean that you suck today. It just means that you could always get better, like with Jet, like with Boyd, like great cultures, but we took it to a whole nother level. It doesn't mean you don't still work on it. It just means is what is your culture? And the culture is your reason why your digital marketing is not doing as well as it otherwise could be.

Speaker 1:

You know I love this, this message I get from our digital marketing team. So I have this. I have this rule. I have this with right chat as well, and I've had this rule with companies I've had prior. Is that look after you send a few messages to the doctor. If you do not get a response, I want you to put that doctor in a chat thread, text message with me and say hey, brian, you know, just want to let you know. You know I reached out to you know, make believe name Dr, you know Jones, a few times, haven't got a response. Just wanted to to let you know and I do that because I want full disclosure that my team is reaching out to people over and over and over again, going above and beyond, meanwhile they can't get a response. You know, randomly, you know they're going to get some content thrown at it in the Google Drive Meanwhile.

Speaker 1:

You know, the last three sessions the leadership team hasn't been on. And again, like I said before, if the leadership team isn't on, the employees are not going to give a damn. And there's exceptions to that rule. There always is and always will be, but it's the vast minority that are actually. It's why you know any event you do, if you design it to where the doctors leave the team for the day, the event isn't good. Why? Because everything the team is learning the leadership team isn't there for, so they don't even know. So how are you ever going to implement that at a high level? How are you going to hold people accountable, etc. You can't. That's why the best events, that's how our January iconic like, of course, we're going to have breakout sessions with the vast majority of the day, the team is going to be with the team.

Speaker 1:

You're one team. You're not a clinical and an admin, you're one. You're a small business. You do not have divisions. Everybody has to know what's going on. This is why restaurants fail. Went to one a day for lunch. Food was pretty good, experience terrible, and there's like eight things, as I saw, because the kitchen was open, that I wanted to run back there and go hey guys, please just do this and do this and do this and you're going to fix this problem. Going on Right, because I've told you million times, I can't turn it off. What the point is is you've got, regardless of what you want to accomplish.

Speaker 1:

And today, again, was about the digital marketing. You know, if you want a YouTube station that's robust, that enhances the patient experience, saves you in the patient time, helps lower your no shows, helps build your organic search rankings, shows why you're unique, shows off your technologies that other people may have too, but if you're showing them off in a search result, then now you may be the only one in their mind. That has it Same way when the receptionist sales sells it and edifies those technologies. If you want that, if you want a Facebook page that dominates, if you want a team that participates in shooting the content and doesn't pull this, well, I don't want my face on camera or I don't have time for this, or blah, blah, blah. You better darn understand that. It's your culture Period. If you let Janice pout in the corner, oh, I don't want to shoot social media content. That's not necessary. That's stupid. Blah, blah, blah. And I got to tell you I don't like social media. I think it's a joke. Most social media channels are run by crazy people and I want nothing to do with it.

Speaker 1:

But the reality, just like we teach on here. I keep my personal bias out of it, because if you don't dominate on there in a commoditized environment, you're screwed. It's just the reality of the situation. So because you, because you're screwed, you have to participate in it, regardless of how you feel about it. That's the whole. You know the new patient virtual consultation. I personally would never choose it. My wife would, but I still teach it and refine it and our customers do great with it. Why I keep my personal bias, the hell out of it.

Speaker 1:

The data says people want it. So if you market it properly, you will win. There's gonna be a podcast at some point around that exact topic and all the misconceptions around the virtual patient. Ah, they're price shoppers. They're just looking around, they're not serious. You know, blah, blah, blah. It's all bull. It's how you handle them. That's the real reality. They're a great patient, but if you set it up the same way you would if they walked through your doors, you are going to fail, meaning that you have to change and you have to be open to change and you've got to have a culture that will allow for the change. You know, let's say it's one time a month, because I don't know. I think sometimes it's two. I don't know exactly what our digital marketing team does with every customer. Let's say it's once.

Speaker 1:

In this scenario and this is where business owners like there's a difference between doing everything versus overseeing everything, and as a small business owner, as an entrepreneur, it's very difficult to go from chief everything officer to chief executive officer and inevitably what the chief executive officer is doing is constantly innovating, constantly coming up with new ideas, setting the vision, helping the culture and a lot more, so they're also able to oversee things without being involved in every single thing, which is another big part of what we teach on here, because what I just described, that is not easy at all whatsoever. You imagine a scenario where you hire a company like us and the company says hey, doc, and if the office manager there, hey, doc, office manager, let's get the team on and let's say let's pick a time, let's say it's 9.30, every you know, first Tuesday of every month. And what we're going to do on that meeting and this is kind of what we do is we're going to review the previous month's stats. We're going to go over what personal, what marketing assignments, because we create marketing assignments for our practice and I think I said that earlier. So we're going to go over, hey look, what marketing assignments were done, what weren't, what employees are participating, what employees aren't. Let's come up with new ideas. Let's see how our current ideas are working. Let's look at the data and say, look, if Wednesday your data is through the roof, let's double and triple down on Wednesday, right, and we don't do pay per click advertising, because I'm a big believer if you do it right organically, you can take the rest of that pay per click money and put it in your pocket or reinvest it to training your team inside your doors, like we talk about, and you're going to kick everyone's butt.

Speaker 1:

Or what we'll do sometimes is we'll say, hey Doc, there's a post that's doing really, really well on Instagram or maybe Facebook. So what we're going to suggest is that we're going to take like 200 bucks Let us know if we have permission to charge your card. We want to boost that, and it's a brilliant way to do it, because these companies that come in and convince you that you need pay per click just make a killing off of you, and we could do that too, but I refuse to be that company. I won't do it. Pay per click is a total waste of money. It is a bandaid to the wound and I have plenty of podcasts in the future about it.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of people. If that's the first time you ever heard this podcast, you heard me say it you may say well, we get tons of patients, tons of money from it, and I'm not saying that you can't. What I'm saying is is that you have leaky holes everywhere to where, if you plug those first, you would get a better return from your pay per click and you would also realize you wouldn't even need the pay per click to begin with. So it's not that you can't make money with it, it's just the wrong place to spend it. So you imagine these meetings like we want to do, and strategize for the future and look to the past and all of this, and then we can't get the doctor and the office manager on the freaking Zoom. They say we're too busy, let's do it next week. And the next week comes out we're too busy.

Speaker 1:

There's always an excuse, and this is the perfect example where, if you all don't have time to block one, two, three hours a week to work on your business, it just means that you're stuck inside your practice from eight to five every single day, running around with your chicken, with your heads cut off, and then you wonder at the end of the day why you feel burned out. And you feel burned out in the days you don't grow. You also feel burned out in the days you do. It just doesn't have to be that way and that's what we run into. You know, are we running into these? You know you take a, you know shout out.

Speaker 1:

Dr Mark Olson is an example, one of my favorite people in the world. Do we have this issue with his practice? No, why? Well, he outsources most of his stuff. You know Wright-Shat is answering his calls. He uses orthophy, he uses dental monitoring. He's high share-to-share and clear-liner, always looking, innovate and grow that All of these companies are doing all the chaos for him. So they're a customer-centric business that offers impeccable clinical results. But they also have time to train their people, role-play with their people. Meet with our coaches, make sure they're on our mastermind meeting. Meet our digital with our digital marketing people to strategize. You know you take a Randy Wright same way. You know Maria always on those meetings with David, and there's plenty of other examples. Those two just quickly came to mind.

Speaker 1:

But then you've got other ones that want to keep everything in house. Phones are ringing off the hook. You've got a packed waiting room. You've got a huge team and if you do lose somebody, your mindset immediately is like how can we replace that person? We got to go higher, and it's this wash, rinse, repeat cycle you've heard me talk about on here a trillion times. I may not have ever had a specific podcast about it. It is coming, and that one's the three, and only three things that cause all of your chaos. Don't know when it's going to happen, but it's coming.

Speaker 1:

And then you wonder why your digital marketing isn't doing that great. Or maybe it is doing better than you think, but it's not. Excuse me, it's not going how maybe you want it to, but the reason it's not going the way you want it to is there's a perfect, strategized reason behind it that is all planned, all mapped out, that you know nothing about and you can't appreciate it, just like you couldn't appreciate a training session if you're not on it. And because it doesn't go the way you think it should, you blow up, even though it actually is going better than how you think it should. You just weren't a part of the meeting. At the second. You're not a part of the meeting. Your team is not going to be a part of the meeting. Do you really think that your team, who's busting it every minute of every day, is going to look forward to being role played with on how to shoot the content? You know and when you turn your head, you think it's going to happen? The answer is no. Now, if you have an exceptional culture, it certainly helps, but part of that exceptional culture is. You're always there. You have to be part. I guess a couple lessons.

Speaker 1:

This wasn't even what I was going to talk about today. First of all, if you're using a digital marketing company where their executive level team is not meeting with you, that's a problem. If you're using a digital marketing team that's not constantly reaching out saying let's get on the phone, let's get on Zoom, that's a problem. If you can't get a hold of the founder and CEO, like our customers can of me, that's a problem. If you're wondering why the posts aren't that great, etc. Etc. Just because you need a better company, but you also have to look yourself in the mirror and go, huh, because this happens to us. The vision of personalized content, new YouTube video every week, all the things you hear me talk about today, customers know, etc. The culture has got to be right, guys. You have to have the business set up right so it doesn't sabotage your practice, and the other way around and there's probably a better way of saying it is you can't have your practice sabotage your practice, sabotage your business, because your business is inevitably going to dictate how successful your practice can be. It's just that simple. If you don't want to make Zoom sessions.

Speaker 1:

You shouldn't be an entrepreneur If you don't care enough about your business to get involved with the companies you hire. You shouldn't have owned your own business. Go work for somebody else. The reality is, as an entrepreneur is 24-7 chief everything officer non-stop, but it doesn't always have to be that way. But if you're a newer business owner, it is that way and if you don't enjoy it, that means you're a business owner, not an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

Entrepreneurs were weird. We enjoy this crap. We enjoy the 24-7, not sleeping for 10 years, putting our house up for collateral to start a company, etc. Etc. With the hope that someday we actually make money, only for some greedy politician to come in once we finally make money and say we owe it all to somebody that didn't earn it themselves. The whole system is a joke. But you have to truly enjoy this stuff if you want it to succeed and get to a point where you don't have to be the chief everything officer. You eventually get to be the chief executive officer, which is a true way of enjoying the freedoms that you, being an entrepreneur and choosing to own your own practice, should come with.

Speaker 1:

But if you're wondering why your digital marketing is not producing the results. Sure, it may be the company you've hired, of course. Are we perfect? Heck no, and I don't want to be. I tell that people all the time. How boring would that be? Do we make mistakes? Hell yeah, we make mistakes. But the difference between which is a podcast in itself is the difference is it's not that the great companies, they make mistakes, it's how they fix them. It's how they interact with the customer to show empathy around. You know the mess ups. It's how they make sure they don't happen again. Those are the great companies.

Speaker 1:

Being a great company isn't about not making mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes and if you implement things right, you're going to make mistakes because you're going to implement them fast, just like you've heard me taught on here, teach on here. Implementation as fast as you possibly can. Screw it up, analyze it, fix it, practice it, set the new accountability measures, reimplement it on the fly, and you're going to be good to go this whole. I'm going to wait and we're going to analyze it and create a mission statement and we're going to write things down and we're going to analyze it again and we're going to pilot it and we're going to see how this goes. It's all crap. That's what corporations do. That's not what famous small business entrepreneurs do. Again, the difference between a corporation mindset and a small business entrepreneur mindset has to be different for all kinds of reasons. If you're a corporation, you can't think that way because you're going to get sued for millions. As a small business, you're not going to get sued for millions. And again, I'm not talking on the clinical side, I'm on the non-clinical.

Speaker 1:

All this ties into guys. If you want a great, exceptional digital marketing presence, you should be meeting with a company you hire at least once a month. If they reach out to you, respond back. Create a culture where your team wants to be involved and they're going to shoot social media content and they're going to be a part of it. They're going to ask for video testimonials. Have a culture where you and your office manager, if you have an OM are on the meetings and you're always the first to role play but you're last to speak. There's so many things.

Speaker 1:

But you cannot expect digital marketing to do well for you in a commoditized environment where it has to be personalized, it has to showcase your food on a plate better than everybody else, and I'm going to end on this analogy that I just said. I have used this for years. If you're looking around, all your digital marketing is is plating your food better than the other places they could choose. That's it. That's it. If you have two stakes to choose from online and one is plated with a, you know, just a white plate and it's all scarred and charred and is sitting there, versus another one that's got a beautiful sauce over it, crispy asparagus across the top, laying on a bed of beautiful mashed potatoes, of course you're going to pick up the phone and call that restaurant first. That's what digital marketing is.

Speaker 1:

But that means it must be personalized, and in order for us, or whatever company you're hiring, to personalize it, you have to engage. You've got to be the first to shoot the content. You cannot say you don't have enough time, otherwise the company you hire is screwed because the rest of the employees will say they don't have enough time. You want your social media to be great. You better be first and foremost on that.

Speaker 1:

If you think social media is stupid, I'm right along with you, but the reality is is social media is integral to you, being a successful practice in a commoditized industry? Youtube, I love, I love videos. How's your YouTube station? Well, you better be all over it. Your team better be all over it. They better be asking, engaging, for video testimonials. They won't do it unless your culture is right. You have to engage. You have to show up to the meetings. You've got to be the leader. You've got to be an entrepreneur, not a business owner, and enjoy that chaos until that chaos ends and it will end at a point. But you are going to be the chief everything officer to a point, before you can become the chief executive officer, and this has a direct impact on how your digital marketing presence will be for you. Will it help you dominate and move the needle forward, or will it be another way that your business is stagnant, regardless of economic conditions? And it's really inevitably your choice. You got to engage everybody.

Speaker 1:

Hope you enjoyed today. Like I said, I haven't done a digital marketing podcast in quite a while and even today, like I said, technically wasn't even about digital marketing, but at the same time, it's everything about digital marketing as well as everything else. All right, hope everybody enjoy it. Look forward to next month is going to be our last podcast of season six, so we're rolling along and I think today was episode 92. So we'll be finishing next month on episode 93. For the last couple of seasons I've been telling everybody of a special tribute to our customers and followers once we get to episode 100 and really look forward to that.

Speaker 1:

Love all of you. Thanks for your support. Again, it was great seeing you at Orthopreneurs. For those of you expected to see me at the synergy event, I apologize but again, shout out Robert Barton, you filled my shoes. Great Heard, good feedback about the content. Shout out Align Technology. Look forward to all the great future things we're working on. I look forward to it. Hope everybody enjoy today. Take great care of your employees, great care of your patients. Have a fabulous October and we'll see you back here at the beginning of November. Bye, everybody.

Speaker 1:

Hey, this is Brian Wright. Thank you so much for listening, and please visit newpatientgroupcom backslash free courses to get our latest on demand video trainings for free. These are shot in 4k, exceptional quality, and we really want you to test out our content. So just go to newpatientgroupcom backslash free courses, sign up and you'll learn some really amazing things. We would also like to answer your new patient phone calls with my company Wright Chat. We can be the primary and answer all of them, or we can be your saving grace where the ones you miss, we will answer them.

Speaker 1:

As we're sitting at your front desk, your own employee remotely log into your software and schedule that new patient, and they never even know a third party answered. It's a revolutionizing the answering service industry and, honestly, made call services and answering services completely obsolete, because nobody will leave a message in this new economy. So if you use a call center or an answering service, switch to Wright Chat as a game changer. We'll do it for two months free. We have our own in-house IT team that will hook everything up for you your software, your phones, your phone number. You don't have to change anything. The onboarding is simple. We make sure that process is streamlined and when you hear my agents answer that new patient call, you're never going to want your own team to do it, and it'll be a great training when you listen to us. We'll be a great training to get your own people trained as well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so look forward to helping you out. I ask that you please write a five star review about the new patient group podcast on Apple or wherever you're listening to the podcast, and also write a five star review about new patient group and Wright Chat online. That would really help us out. If you're watching on YouTube, give a thumbs up to the video, subscribe to our channel, put some comments in there how much you like it, and I would personally like to offer you your own free business and practice consultation with me so we can chat about your business and I can personally prescribe something that is really going to help you thrive in this new economy of competition, commoditization and consumerism. Once again, thanks for your support. We'll see everybody soon. Bye, bye.

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