New Patient Group Podcast
Welcome to The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience. A podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, their employee's and their families and for anyone wanting to transform their life, career and/or business in the new economy.
The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience is hosted by globally renown motivational speaker, business consultant and life coach, Brian Wright. He is a trusted consultant and speaker for some of the biggest name entrepreneurs and corporations in the world, including AlignTechnology, the makers of Invisalign. He has been featured in Forbes, CNBC and The National Journal. He is currently the Founder & CEO of New Patient Group and also WrightChat. He is married and has two children.
"Brian Wright is a combination of Marcus Lemonis from the Profit and the entire Shark Tank Team." Dr. Staci Frankowitz
"Brian Wright is the Tony Robbins of the new economy." Stephanie Solomon - Author
Learn invaluable life and leadership lessons to build a better culture. Learn advanced strategies and techniques around sales, hospitality, customer service, psychology, verbiage, presentation, communication and more to grow your business. Learn essential online marketing strategies and techniques to attract new customers, new patients, etc.. Entrepreneurs that learn and implement the above will see an increase in new customers, new patients, sales, revenue, referrals, efficiency and profit, while reducing stress, chaos and ad costs.
For many years this podcast was known as the New Patient Group Podcast. It was dedicated to orthodontists, dentists and other doctors that owned their own business. This is still our niche and we want you to know this podcast is still dedicated to you.
A podcast dedicated to improving the lives, careers and businesses of Orthodontists, Dentists and other doctors that own their own practice. Learn fresh new ways to improve your leadership skills to create a unique culture. Learn innovative ways to create an online marketing presence to increase new patients. Learn forward thinking ways to increase production, collections, treatment conversion, profit and more. Learn how to lessen advertising and marketing costs to increase profit. Learn inspiring ways to improve your life and career. Learn mind blowing ways to improve customer service, hospitality, presentation skills, verbiage and much more. New patient phone call skills, patient experience, treatment coordinator presentation topics and so much more. This podcast is listened to by orthodontists, dentists, plastic surgeons, reps, executives and anyone else wanting the most out of their life, career and business. Topics that dive deep into business, marketing, advertising, culture, leadership, and hundreds of other topics. This podcast is also for Treatment Coordinators, Receptionists and other employees wanting to advance their career and help the practice they work for thrive.
CoHost Series: The Power of Professional Image and the Impact it has on Sales & Revenue w/ CoHost, Dr. Bryn Cooper

Part 2 - Navigating Peer Influence: How your Clinical Peers are Sabotaging your Success

Digitalizing, Immersing & Transforming Exam Rooms for Increased Conversions, Starts & Revenue

Double your New Patients Overnight (w/out Advertising) by Mastering this One Skill

Welcome to 2025 - The Year you Reimagined Growth & Redefined your Success w/ Dr. Bob Skopek

Three Essentials to Revolutionize your Practice in 2025 and Beyond - The Final Episode of Season 7!

How the Science of Mutualism and Cognitive Training can Revolutionize your Life, Career and Business

Part 1 - How your Clinical Pursuit of Perfection is Sabotaging your Business Success

The Recipe of Building High-Trust, High-Performing Teams w/ Guests Dr. Jep Paschal and Office Manager, Lisa Torino

Good Christina vs. Bad Christina - How the Culture you Create will Determine the Employee Performance you Receive

Part 1: Navigating Peer Influence: How your Clinical Peers are Sabotaging your Business Success

Unmasking Illusions: The hidden lies behind industry data trends and How they Lead to the Most Destructive Human Flaw

Rapid Fire Edition with Dr. Bryn Cooper

An Invisalign Appointment Gone Wrong - How Miscommunication and Lack of a Customer Obsessed Culture Leads to Lost New Patients, Revenue and Referrals

Part 3 - How to Achieve the Pinnacle of Customer Service | Transform the Patient Experience with Cutting Edge Digital Marketing Strategies

Part 2 - The Three Ways to Achieve the Pinnacle of Customer Service | Transforming Patient Experiences through Continuous Training

Part 1 - The Three Ways to Achieve the Pinnacle of Customer Service | Mastering a Culture that Obsesses Over Customer Experiences

Part 4 - How to know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service

Part 3 - How to Know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service

Part 2 - How to Know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service

Transforming Patient Experience - How to Know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service (Part 1)

Episode 100 - A Tribute to the Outcasts, Rebels, Forward-Thinkers and Innovators Transforming the People Business of Orthodontics

Blue Ocean Orthodontics - Creating a Business that has NO Competition with Guest Dr. Bob Skopek