New Patient Group Podcast
Welcome to The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience. A podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, their employee's and their families and for anyone wanting to transform their life, career and/or business in the new economy.
The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience is hosted by globally renown motivational speaker, business consultant and life coach, Brian Wright. He is a trusted consultant and speaker for some of the biggest name entrepreneurs and corporations in the world, including AlignTechnology, the makers of Invisalign. He has been featured in Forbes, CNBC and The National Journal. He is currently the Founder & CEO of New Patient Group and also WrightChat. He is married and has two children.
"Brian Wright is a combination of Marcus Lemonis from the Profit and the entire Shark Tank Team." Dr. Staci Frankowitz
"Brian Wright is the Tony Robbins of the new economy." Stephanie Solomon - Author
Learn invaluable life and leadership lessons to build a better culture. Learn advanced strategies and techniques around sales, hospitality, customer service, psychology, verbiage, presentation, communication and more to grow your business. Learn essential online marketing strategies and techniques to attract new customers, new patients, etc.. Entrepreneurs that learn and implement the above will see an increase in new customers, new patients, sales, revenue, referrals, efficiency and profit, while reducing stress, chaos and ad costs.
For many years this podcast was known as the New Patient Group Podcast. It was dedicated to orthodontists, dentists and other doctors that owned their own business. This is still our niche and we want you to know this podcast is still dedicated to you.
A podcast dedicated to improving the lives, careers and businesses of Orthodontists, Dentists and other doctors that own their own practice. Learn fresh new ways to improve your leadership skills to create a unique culture. Learn innovative ways to create an online marketing presence to increase new patients. Learn forward thinking ways to increase production, collections, treatment conversion, profit and more. Learn how to lessen advertising and marketing costs to increase profit. Learn inspiring ways to improve your life and career. Learn mind blowing ways to improve customer service, hospitality, presentation skills, verbiage and much more. New patient phone call skills, patient experience, treatment coordinator presentation topics and so much more. This podcast is listened to by orthodontists, dentists, plastic surgeons, reps, executives and anyone else wanting the most out of their life, career and business. Topics that dive deep into business, marketing, advertising, culture, leadership, and hundreds of other topics. This podcast is also for Treatment Coordinators, Receptionists and other employees wanting to advance their career and help the practice they work for thrive.
New Patient Group Podcast
Charting the Path of the Future - The New NPG Podcast Format has Arrived!
AAO MasterClass Registration https://startmoresmiles.com/aao-2024-masterclass/
NPG Iconic Registration https://newpatientgroup.com/npg-iconic/
We answer your new patient phone calls, speak just like own your own employees, remote into your management software and schedule new patients according to your protocols. We can answer all your new patient phone calls or the new patient calls you are missing. We are a fully personalized new patient call answering concierge. All agents are USA based, highly trained and once you experience our service you will never go back.
The Future of Online Marketing and Practice Consulting. There are three essentials to operating a practice and a business at the highest of levels. We include them all under one roof to help you streamline them all. They include: 1) Leadership and Culture. 2) Team Training. 3) Online Marketing. Leadership and culture services all include business coaching, life coaching, career coaching for your team, and much more. Team training focuses on training your team on skill-sets that include sales, hospitality, customer service, verbiage, presentation, consumer psychology and more. We then teach them how to apply those skill-sets to the new patient phone call, new patient experience, digital workflow, treatment coordinator exam, doctor exam, financial case presentation, pending treatment, observation and also every consumer interaction they will have with patients that have bought treatment from you. Online marketing services include a fully personalized approach that customizes everything according to the vision you have and the business you want to be. Services include custom website design, search engine optimization, social media marketing and management, youtube video marketing, logo creation, professional blogging and more!
Trusted by the Best: WrightChat and/or New Patient Group customers include:
Dr. Stu Frost
Dr. Drew Ferris
Dr. Alyssa Carter
Dr. John Grahm
Dr. Regina Blevins
Dr. Jep Paschal
Dr. David Boschken
Dr. Bryn Cooper
Dr. Jamie Reynolds
Dr. Donna Galante
Dr. Bob Skopek
Dr. Sean Carlson
Dr. Boyd Whitlock
Today's Podcast:
Prepare for liftoff as we navigate the latest in practice management and personal growth, with me, your pilot Brian Wright, steering the course. Season seven of the New Patient Group audio experience is your ticket to climbing higher in the business of healthcare, with a new episode format that's more dynamic and digestible. Get ready to engage with an array of thought leaders, including industry giants like Align Technology, and soak in the wisdom from our 'Growth versus Fixed Mindset' series—all tailored to maximize your practice's potential.
The cockpit is bustling with excitement as we prepare to roll out episodes that are crisp, informative, and full of actionable insights. Special guests and friends from Align Technology are coming on board to share pioneering ideas for your business. We've listened to your feedback and you've made it clear: variety is the spice of life—and of podcasts. So, whether you're seeking inspiration during your jog or wanting to unwind during your commute, this season promises a blend of therapeutic narratives and a fresh, contemporary radio style. Strap in and adjust your headsets; we're on a mission to help your practice ascend to new&
Welcome aboard the new patient group flight deck. Less chaos Check. Less stress. Check Less advertising costs Check More personal and financial freedom. Ah, check, All right. Business checklist completed. Let the takeoff roll begin.
Speaker 2:Welcome to season seven of the new patient group audio experience, a podcast dedicated to forward thinking doctors wanting to learn innovative ways to run their business today so your practice can achieve new heights tomorrow. And now your host. He's the founder and CEO of new patient Group, managing partner of RightChat and a trusted motivational speaker for Invisalign OrthoPhy and others, brian Wright.
Speaker 3:Hey, new Patient Group and RightChat Nation. Welcome inside the broadcast booth, brian Wright here, and welcome into the fourth episode of season seven, episode 97 overall, the New Patient Group podcast. And today I'm excited to announce a brand new format that we're going to be launching more guests, shorter episodes, more ongoing series, if you will. We're going to be doing one called the growth first fixed mindset that's going to be coming up and there's so many different topics that I want to talk about within that one topic. It would probably be a 20-hour podcast. So I'm going to start breaking them up into a lot more ongoing series, a lot shorter episodes. We're also going to be taking if you didn't join live, make sure to come check it out.
Speaker 3:Dr Bob Skopak and I did a national webinar just the other night. It was a very large audience Shout out if you were there and we got great feedback on it. I'm going to be repurposing those fireside chats that we do once a quarter. I'm going to be repurposing those into a podcast as well. That'll be on our YouTube station, as well as all the audio podcasts, all the channels that we're on. But you know, to keep things fresh, we have gotten so much feedback that the longer episodes are very therapeutic. I do it while I'm jogging, driving really exciting guests to announce. I just got back from a meeting with a friend of mine Last night from Align Technology headquarters in Raleigh and we're working on beautiful things together that is going to so much help.
Speaker 3:So many practices out there become just a better business in so many different ways, excited to when they're official, to announce all of those different things. But we have some amazing, amazing guests that are going to be coming up on this show and, like I said, I want to integrate more. I also want to make sure that we keep the contemporary radio style, the contemporary show style, if you will, for those of you out there that like to sit back, relax, listen to me, tell stories, update you on what's going on the past 30 days in our lives. There's so many of you out there that like that and I want to make sure that we still have episodes like that. But I also am going to transform this podcast, just like we teach all of you more downloads than we did the previous year. We're growing, people love it and that's why I want to change it and reimagine it, because the last thing you want is to wait until, all of a sudden, you don't have a podcast following anymore and you go oh, we better change something. By then it's too late.
Speaker 3:So, just like your businesses, your practices out there, that's what I want to do, and a lot of you gave me feedback. So Dr Boyd Whitlock he and I have been texting hey, man, I know you listen, you know about offering some shorter episodes and just some feedback that I take in that I take very seriously to make sure that we're offering the best source of all kinds of knowledge and education on here for all of you. You know that's one of my personal missions help as many people in life as possible. You know, have a standing room only at your funeral because you impacted so many lives, if you will, and that's what we want to do. So we're going to be changing the format.
Speaker 3:Just wanted to announce that that's what this episode is going to be. Right. An example of a shorter podcast still gave you some value on what to expect and we're going to start doing more of these and I really look forward to it and look forward to announcing some amazing guests, some guests that a lot of people would really wish they would have on their podcast. We've got some commitments that I'm going to be announcing soon. Look forward to this new format. We'll be talking to everybody soon and make sure, instead of just looking on the first business day of every month, we're now going to be launching them sporadically throughout the week. It could be once a week, it could be five times a month, it could be different. It's probably going to be different every single month, but you get the point. So be looking at that throughout the month for more episodes. We'll see you back soon with another edition of the new patient group podcast. Bye, everybody.