New Patient Group Podcast

Part 3 - How to Know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service

Brian Wright Season 7 Episode 103

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Ever wondered how to ensure every customer interaction in your practice is as magical as a visit to Disneyland? That's precisely what we're unpacking on the New Patient Group audio experience, where I, Brian Wright, guide you through the exhilarating realm of peak customer service. Achieving uniformity across your organization is no small feat, and this episode zeroes in on the choreography of success—training your team to handle every situation with the same stellar precision. We dissect the importance of consistency and how it can transform haphazard procedures into a seamless dance of efficiency and satisfaction.

Get ready to elevate your practice to that illustrious level where patient encounters become enchanting experiences. Join me as we reflect on the fearsome unknowns lurking within the day-to-day operations and reveal strategies for orchestrating a patient journey that leaves nothing to chance. By the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with the insights to create a harmonized approach that not only meets but surpasses expectations, fostering a business environment where personal and financial freedom are just a well-handled phone call away. Strap in for an insightful flight toward the pinnacle of customer service excellence that your practice is destined to reach.
We answer your new patient phone calls, speak just  like own your own employees, remote into your management software and schedule new patients according to your protocols. We can answer all your new patient phone calls or the new patient calls you are missing. We are a fully personalized new patient call answering concierge. All agents are USA based, highly trained and once you experience our service you will never go back. - The Patient Experience Company
The Future of Online Marketing and Practice Consulting. There are three essentials to operating a practice and a business at the highest of levels. We include them all under one roof to help you streamline them all. They include: 1) Leadership and Culture. 2) Team Training. 3) Online Marketing. Leadership and culture services all include business coaching, life coaching, career coaching for your team, and much more. Team training focuses on training your team on skill-sets that include sales, hospitality, customer service, verbiage, presentation, consumer psychology and more. We then teach them how to apply those skill-sets to the new patient phone call, new patient experience, digital workflow, treatment coordinator exam, doctor exam, financial case presentation, pending treatment, observation and also every consumer interaction they will have with patients that have bought treatment from you. Online marketing services include a fully personalized approach that customizes everything according to the vision you have and the business you want to be. Services include custom website design, search engine optimization, social media marketing and management, youtube video marketing, logo creation, professional blogging and more! 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome aboard the new patient group flight deck. Less chaos Check. Less stress. Check Less advertising costs Check More personal and financial freedom. Ah, check, All right. Business checklist completed. Let the takeoff roll begin.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to season seven of the new patient group audio experience, a podcast dedicated to forward thinking doctors wanting to learn innovative ways to run their business today so your practice can achieve new heights tomorrow. And now your host. He's the founder and CEO of new patient Group, managing partner of RightChat and a trusted motivational speaker for Invisalign OrthoPhi and others, brian Wright.

Speaker 3:

Hey, new Patient Group and RightChat Nation. Welcome inside the broadcast booth. Brian Wright here, welcome into another edition of the New Patient Group podcast. We are in the middle today, entering part three of our ongoing series around the three ways you know your business, your practice, has achieved the pinnacle of customer service. Now, if you're just tuning in, for whatever reason, for the first time into this series, I need you to pause me. I want you to go back to the very first episode of May and I want you to start there.

Speaker 3:

Very important that you understand the baseline, the foundation of where we're coming from as an experienced company and the actual definition of what customer service is. I talked about that in that episode of. I believe customer service is the number one most misunderstood terminology in business. Really important that you grasp the foundation of what it actually is Very misunderstood term. Then we talked about in last series, the very first thing, or last episode, the very first way that you'll know that you've actually achieved that definition and that you're becoming a truly customer service centric people, business first, company organization.

Speaker 3:

Today we're going to be diving into something that look, all of these are hard. They're all hard, but this one coming off the last episode I said that was so hard. I think this one's even harder. And what we're going to be talking about today I want you to imagine. Before I dive into what it is, I want you to imagine All the scenarios and occurrences that go on in your organization, ones that you know about, but also ones that you don't know about, and, I would argue, the ones that you don't know about those are always the scariest ones. And let me paint an image here.

Speaker 3:

Right now, somebody calls your office, the phone rings and make-believe name Betty answers it and she all of a sudden is stuck in a situation where a complaint is happening, right, whatever it is, they may not be able to get an appointment they want in your office. Maybe you're using remote monitoring Hopefully your practice is using remote monitoring and you know they're communicating inside the app and no one's responding back, whatever it may be. And then, at about 30 minutes later, the phone rings and make-believe name Susie, another receptionist that works up front for your office, picks up and she gets the same complaint, right, somebody else that is upset. They can't get an appointment when they want, or the communication back in remote monitoring, or they called your office, left a voicemail, nobody calls back, and then later on you've got a situation where a new patient arrives and somebody's greeting them when they walk through the door, and an hour later another new patient arrives and somebody else is greeting them when they walk through the door, and then you get into your exam room process and you have you know, timmy, your TC, and then an hour later you have another TC, nancy, handle it, or you have another TC, nancy, handle it. What I'm getting at is and I just mentioned a few scenarios of literally probably thousands that you could come up with and what we're going to talk about today in part two of what are.

Speaker 3:

The second thing that makes you realize that you're achieving the pinnacle of customer service is every employee handling every situation the exact same way. Remember what we talked about in the very first part of this series, where we were setting the foundation of customer service, and the Walt Disney example I gave, and how they choreograph every single outcome. So if they want you to spend more money in a certain area of the theme park, they then go and they choreograph that consumer journey and every interaction leading up to that in order for you to spend more money there while feeling really special while you're doing it. That is how they get what they want and you get more than expected. But part of that choreographing is making sure that their employees are practiced and put through every given scenario that could arise, and then part of their role play training, part of the practice of Walt Disney and the Disney Institute the Disney experience platform they have, where their employees go through on demand courses and then practice those and role play it with a leadership team member, is making sure that every scenario that arises and every scenario they put each employee in is that each employee is handling, responding, communicating to the consumer the exact same right. That is a part of the overall recipe of making sure that you are getting what you want and delivering more than expected is making sure that message is being delivered in an impactful way by every single person.

Speaker 3:

See, you know, going back to the existing patient experience and obviously there's tons on the new patient experience side but if you go back and you say, hey, we want to improve compliance and we want to improve compliance 30%, you have to choreograph that journey and what you have to realize is is, if you're leading, let's say you have two assistants and you have Timmy and Nancy right. If you're letting Timmy say it how he wants and you're letting Nancy say things how she wants, you're never going to get to a place where you're going to get what you want from your customer, your patient, at the highest level, while delivering more than expected. It is not possible. The pinnacle of customer service is that if you can confidently put each employee in every given scenario and every role play they are spitting out and handling at the exact same way, at a high level, you know that you are on your way to being that customer service organization that gets what you want while delivering more than that consumer, that patient, customer, client would have expected at that given moment.

Speaker 3:

So a couple exercises for you. One and it'll be a little overwhelming I've done this several times for companies I've had in the past and companies now is just start jotting down all the scenarios, all the scenarios from when people walk through the door and your social media content and TC, all the scenarios where your people and you are interacting with customers, with patients, with consumers before they buy and then after they buy. Write all those interactions down and it won't be possible for you to come up with every single scenario, but it's going to be pretty amazing, to your mind, I think, to see on paper how many interactions your people have and how they really again, they have nothing to do with orthodontics a lot of times. Sometimes they do, of course, and those count too, of course, but a lot of them are completely non-orthodontic, clinically related, and just get an idea to be able to kind of showcase and have a light bulb go on in your mind on gosh, dang it like holy crap, like we have a lot to do to actually for me to be confident in knowing that every one of my employees would handle every one of these scenarios I've written down at the same exact high level.

Speaker 3:

The other one is is I want you to write down some goals and again it goes back to the baseline definition of what we're here to help you with is to help you get what you want at the highest possible levels, while delivering more than expected at the highest possible levels. And there's a foundation, there's a recipe in order to get there. But one of those things this isn't part of the recipe, but one of the things I want you to part of the recipe but one of the things I want you to now do, too, is write down what you would like to see better, right. If you would like a better again. Like going back to the existing patient experience. If you want better patient compliance, right. If that's one of your goals, then you've got to, and we're here to help. We've got to choreograph, just like the Disney example if they want more money spent in a certain area of their theme park, they choreograph all the things that could impact that. And that's what I want you to start thinking. I want you to think that way and understand. You know, if you want more same day starts, if that's a goal, then it goes way beyond the TC exam process. Like the choreographed journey is before people even walk through your door and the new patient call and the interactions. Like there's countless parts of that choreographed journey that's going to lead. Of course, the TC is also part of that. That's going to lead to that same day start right. But you've got to start looking at that and going okay, how do we design a process, process, a journey that will get us what we want while delivering more than expected? And I want you to constantly go back to that definition, that customer service baseline, foundation definition, to be able to accomplish your goals. Okay, so knock those two exercises out. Thanks for following everybody.

Speaker 3:

We're done now with part three of this series. We'll be wrapping it up on the next podcast. Thanks for your following. If you're watching over on YouTube, do me a favor, give us a thumbs up, create some dialogue and share this with your friends and colleagues. Would be highly appreciated.

Speaker 3:

And just a final reminder we've got an upcoming bootcamp all around the financial presentation. The link to register is in the description of the podcast below. If you're watching on YouTube, it'll be in the description of the podcast below. If you're watching on YouTube, it'll be in the description there as well. And make sure to sign up. Coach Eric is gonna walk through amazing things around the financial presentation that your TC must have this knowledge when people are shopping the way they are to be able to deliver. Again back to the definition how do you get what you want while delivering more than expected? And we're gonna deliver that in a bootcamp around the financial presentation that is upcoming. So make sure you get your team registered for that. And thanks everybody for your following. We'll see everybody soon with the final episode of this series. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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