New Patient Group Podcast

Part 4 - How to know your Business has Achieved the Pinnacle of Customer Service

Brian Wright Season 7 Episode 104

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Treatment Coordinator BootCamp
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Discover the keystone of customer satisfaction that has eluded so many: an exceptional employee experience. As we wrap up our enthralling series on customer service excellence, I, Brian Wright, alongside Dr. Mark Olson, reveal how a workplace sanctuary can skyrocket your team's efficiency and create a ripple effect of contentment reaching every customer. It's a place where stress is benched and harmony champions, all crafted by the thoughtful hands of leadership. Gear up, because we're also setting the stage for a financial presentation boot camp and a groundbreaking national webinar on patient compliance, where insights into a seamless practice await.

Striving for unwavering high-level performance from your team? Rest assured, the scepticism you might feel about achieving such consistency is not lost on us. In this episode, we tease the strategies from our upcoming series, which promises to arm you with the tactics necessary to cultivate excellence within your ranks. Until our paths cross again in this auditory journey of discovery, we thank you for your dedicated listenership and look forward to reconvening with actionable advice that will redefine the way you perceive success in your practice.
We answer your new patient phone calls, speak just  like own your own employees, remote into your management software and schedule new patients according to your protocols. We can answer all your new patient phone calls or the new patient calls you are missing. We are a fully personalized new patient call answering concierge. All agents are USA based, highly trained and once you experience our service you will never go back. - The Patient Experience Company
The Future of Online Marketing and Practice Consulting. There are three essentials to operating a practice and a business at the highest of levels. We include them all under one roof to help you streamline them all. They include: 1) Leadership and Culture. 2) Team Training. 3) Online Marketing. Leadership and culture services all include business coaching, life coaching, career coaching for your team, and much more. Team training focuses on training your team on skill-sets that include sales, hospitality, customer service, verbiage, presentation, consumer psychology and more. We then teach them how to apply those skill-sets to the new patient phone call, new patient experience, digital workflow, treatment coordinator exam, doctor exam, financial case presentation, pending treatment, observation and also every consumer interaction they will have with patients that have bought treatment from you. Online marketing services include a fully personalized approach that customizes everything according to the vision you have and the business you want to be. Services include custom website design, search engine optimization, social media marketing and management, youtube video marketing, logo creation, professional blogging and more! 

Trusted by the Best: WrightChat and/or New Patient Group customers include:

Dr. Stu Frost
Dr. Drew Ferris
Dr. Alyssa Carter
Dr. John Grahm
Dr. Regina Blevins

Speaker 1:

Welcome aboard the new patient group flight deck. Less chaos Check. Less stress. Check Less advertising costs Check More personal and financial freedom. Ah, check, All right. Business checklist completed. Let the takeoff roll begin.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to season seven of the new patient group audio experience, a podcast dedicated to forward thinking doctors wanting to learn innovative ways to run their business today so your practice can achieve new heights tomorrow. And now your host. He's the founder and CEO of new patient Group, managing partner of RightChat and a trusted motivational speaker for Invisalign OrthoPhi and others, brian Wright.

Speaker 3:

Hey, new Patient Group and RightChat Nation. Welcome inside the broadcast booth. Brian Wright here, welcome in to another edition of the New Patient Group podcast. Hope everybody is doing great out there. And today we're wrapping up with part four of this ongoing series on the three ways you know, your business, your practice, is achieving the pinnacle of customer service. Now, if you're tuning in this is the first time you've listened or you just may be catching up on some episodes make sure to go back and start this series at the beginning of May. That very first one is when we started this four-part series I've said this in other podcasts, you'll hear me is that the foundation of what the definition of customer service is and just where we're coming from is so, so critically important for you to not only get the most out of this series, but just the most out of this podcast and customers out there and people thinking about using us, understanding where we're coming from and what we're trying to help you accomplish. Now, today we're going to be rolling into the final episode, like I said, and we're going to be talking about the third and final way your business knows that it's reached the pinnacle of customer service. Before we dive in, a couple quick things. If you're watching over on YouTube station, hey there, appreciate your support. Thumb this up for us, share it with your friends, your colleagues, create some dialogue in the comment section below. Would highly appreciate it. And then also, what you'll see in the description of the podcast on youtube and all the audio experience channels is this is the last chance to get registered for our upcoming boot camp. On may 31st, coach eric is going to be delivering a financial presentation boot camp and we're going to walk you through just the essentials, the absolute necessities of presenting money effectively to today's consumer. That is shopping, uh, you know, if you're a practice that wants to be more expensive, as an example, than their other two opinions, that's great. But man, oh man, presenting money in a way that is effective will lead to so many case starts, and that is an awesome boot camp. The registration link is in the description below. Make sure to get you and your team signed up. Go through it and it's going to be transformative. And we have plenty of other boot camps on the way too, so check our website for those as well.

Speaker 3:

Quick reminder coming up in, I believe it's in June, dr Mark Olson and I are going to be doing a national webinar all around patient compliance and just how he is getting patients to be compliant and really becoming more efficient and streamlining a lot of the appointments that have really transformed the existing patient experience. So we're going to start having registration links in the description once that is available. But just wanted to plug that. I think it's like June 6th Don't hold me to that. I think it's right in there and would love for you to join that live Now. The last one we did was great with Dr Bob Skopak a couple of months ago and that one had great, great feedback. So it'd be the same way. We're just going to be shooting the bull Mark's my friend, longtime new patient group and RightChat family member and we're just going to be doing what we do. We're going to just do it live and chat business is going to be off the cuff, non-scripted and I think everyone's going to get a lot out of it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let's dive into this final, this final part of this series, and you know I want you to kind of imagine. You know we've done some exercises. Hopefully you've done them, and you know I've tried to paint some images in everybody's mind throughout this series. And here's another one. You know all the chaos, all the drama and which, by the way, and I haven't talked much about this you know, the same ways that you achieve a great customer experience are oftentimes very similar to how you achieve a great employee experience, and many of you who follow me know that I very much believe that that employee experience is the new customer experience. Employee experience is the new patient experience, and plenty of podcasts later on that are going to dive more into that topic.

Speaker 3:

But, just like customer service, to get what you want, you have to deliver more than expected. And it's the same way for your employees, right? It is that to get what you want from your employees, you have to deliver them more than they otherwise would expect. So the same principles apply uh, that that we've been talking about throughout this series, and and this image you know of of just the chaos that goes on in the office and the stresses, and and a lot of times the chaos and stresses are caused by the team members. But again, there's a way to put an end to that, to have the employees get on board more.

Speaker 3:

All the people say let me think about it, I need to speak with my husband or I need more time. They're not brushing All the scenarios that create the stresses as business owners, the chaos as business owners. I want you to picture all of those and then I want you to imagine all of those getting better, because none of those have to be the way they are. Those are all things that are created by decisions that you're making as the leader of your organization. They're all created by things that people are doing inside your organization every single day, and the reason I bring that up and wanting you to have those images and then kind of picturing them getting better and better and better, and compliance going up, conversion going up, same day cash going up, advertising going down, stress going down all those things is that's going to lead me into today's final piece and the third and final way that your organization, your practice, your business, knows that you are achieving the pinnacle of customer service is if you are getting what you want from your customers and also business owners out there, from your employees Again, that's why I threw that piece in today is, if you're not getting what you want from your employees, you're not a customer service organization either.

Speaker 3:

But as it relates to this specific series we're talking about customers or prospective ones, is that you getting what you want from them, is the third sign that you are achieving the pinnacle of customer service. Part of the customer service definition is you getting what you want? If you go back to the baseline, the foundation that we launched with at the beginning of May, that's what we talk about on there If you aren't winning, if you aren't getting what you want from the customer, from the patient, then you are not a customer service organization. That is one of the reasons why it is such a misunderstood business terminology that you must fully grasp the true definition of if you ever want to achieve it. And now we've been talking about, you know, all employees doing it. And then we talked about all employees doing it the same way. And then now we're talking about because if those two things are happening and those choreographed journeys are happening and those employees are doing it and then they're doing it the same way, it is going to lead to you going oh, wow, our patient compliance is better.

Speaker 3:

People are starting to brush Wow, our no-shows with patients in treatment. They've gone way down. People are showing up Wow. Next thing, you know, wow, people are scanning, like, look at this, like our noncompliance and scanning. And then, oh wow, people are wearing their aligners. They're being compliant with it. You know, brackets aren't popping off with our braces patients, they're not chewing sticky candy anymore.

Speaker 3:

What's going on? This is awesome. This is stress-free, it's efficient, the chaos is reduced. And then, whoa, look at our same-day cash when people are signing contracts. My God, that's up 15%. Now it's up 20%. Look at the new patients. Those are going up every single month. But our advertising dollars are going down.

Speaker 3:

Wow, our conversion, that keeps going up. It's up 5% this month, it's up 7% the next month. This year, it's up 15%, or 20% compared to last year. Our patient referrals are going up. Our, our video testimonials. Our youtube station is going crazy with video testimonials. Our five-star reviews on google are going through the roof. Our patients are becoming our sales force because we've learned how to turn patients into raging super fans. Like, like, new patients are filling out their paperwork. This is unbelievable. This is crazy. People are doing what we want them to do. We are getting what we want from our customer, from our patient, and if you aren't saying these things to yourself, it's a big loss, because these things are possible. It is very possible for you to get what you want from your customer.

Speaker 3:

But again, going back and this is why the whole series is important, especially watching it, listening to it in order is it goes back to. It's never about one thing. You as an industry and I'm speaking orthodontics right now, even though we have a lot of other doctors that listen to us, as you know, our niche is in orthodontics. The reality is, is you in orthodontics have this fixed mindset where it's so singular, focused, that it's like my conversion's down got to train the TC, you know my conversion's up, our TC must be great. You have this focus when conversion. Of course it's about the TC, but conversion again is a choreographed effort, just like we talked about last episode with Disney. If they want more money spent in a certain area of their theme park, they choreograph a journey and then train the employees to do it, and then train the employees to do it the exact same way, and that leads to people then spending more money at the park.

Speaker 3:

But it's never about one thing, it's about all kinds of things. So these images in your mind that I talked about in the beginning of chaos and stress and HR problems and staffing headaches and conversion problems and new patient problems and advertising dollars and all this stuff right, all these moving parts. If you're experiencing any of them and for some of you out there, you experience those as you're growing, like you're skyrocketing your growth but it's crazy For others of you out there. You are experiencing all those things and you're not growing right, which is obviously even worse. But regardless of all that, there is a way to get that stuff from not happening and it goes back to. It's not customer service, training. The customer service is not something you do. Customer service is the mission, it's the vision.

Speaker 3:

And then there's hundreds upon hundreds of ingredients that go into accomplishing getting what you want from your prospective patients all the way through the people that have signed and are your patients. In order to do that. Every single thing that you're trying to accomplish is a choreographed journey, an effort, a playbook. It's got to be practiced, got to be role-played, and that's what we're going to be leaning into with the next series that I'm going to be diving into is now how do you get all of your employees to do it? How do you get all of your accomplish, all of your employees doing it the same way at a very, very high level? And then how do you get your customer, your patient, to do what it is you want them to do?

Speaker 3:

And if you have a new patient problem, as an example, and you're not getting enough of them, well, in order to increase that, there's a choreographed effort and there's several things that go into that that will help you increase new patients want all of you to think and looking back on this series is okay. I want you to start thinking okay, how the heck do I get everybody to do it right? I've invested in this coach and they want us to to do this at this given time. How do I get everybody to do it right now? I've invested in a coach and they want us to do this at this given time. How do I get everybody to do it at the highest possible level? How do I have all my assistants having the same conversation every time, but in the same high level way, with mom when kid is not compliant? How do I standardize that verbiage? And then, how do I get everybody to do what I want them to do?

Speaker 3:

And that is the third piece that we're going to end on today, and now we're going to roll into a series and I think it's going to be cool talking about it, because there's going to be another. It's going to be a three-part series that we're going to roll into, and the three parts are what we do. It is why I created New Patient Group. It is and, of course, there's a lot of reasons, but it is the single most biggest reason I created New Patient Group and why we offer the three things under one roof that we do, because those three things are how you accomplish getting what you want while delivering more than people would have expected, via every interaction throughout the journey leading up to purchase and after they purchase. It's the only way, and I hope you enjoyed this series.

Speaker 3:

Having your employees do it, having your employees do it at a high level, the same way every time, and then your customers doing what it is that you want them to do is how you know that your business is achieving the pinnacle of customer service. And again, whatever it is, whatever your headaches that exist, there's a choreograph effort behind that that will help solve it. Whether you need something to go up or whether you want it to go down, whatever it may be, there is a way to get your customer to do what it is that you want them to do, but you have to deliver more than expected. Okay, thanks for listening everybody. Hope you enjoyed the series. We'll be back next month entering the series of now.

Speaker 3:

How do you do it Right? Very hard, I get it. A lot of you are listening to this. You're like oh, okay, yeah, I get my employees to do it the same way every time, at a high level. Good, good luck, brian. But there is a way and we're going to dive into that in the next part, in the next series coming up next month. Okay, until next time, everybody. Thanks for your support and we'll see you soon. Bye-bye.

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