New Patient Group Podcast
Welcome to The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience. A podcast dedicated to entrepreneurs, their employee's and their families and for anyone wanting to transform their life, career and/or business in the new economy.
The Brian Wright Show Audio Experience is hosted by globally renown motivational speaker, business consultant and life coach, Brian Wright. He is a trusted consultant and speaker for some of the biggest name entrepreneurs and corporations in the world, including AlignTechnology, the makers of Invisalign. He has been featured in Forbes, CNBC and The National Journal. He is currently the Founder & CEO of New Patient Group and also WrightChat. He is married and has two children.
"Brian Wright is a combination of Marcus Lemonis from the Profit and the entire Shark Tank Team." Dr. Staci Frankowitz
"Brian Wright is the Tony Robbins of the new economy." Stephanie Solomon - Author
Learn invaluable life and leadership lessons to build a better culture. Learn advanced strategies and techniques around sales, hospitality, customer service, psychology, verbiage, presentation, communication and more to grow your business. Learn essential online marketing strategies and techniques to attract new customers, new patients, etc.. Entrepreneurs that learn and implement the above will see an increase in new customers, new patients, sales, revenue, referrals, efficiency and profit, while reducing stress, chaos and ad costs.
For many years this podcast was known as the New Patient Group Podcast. It was dedicated to orthodontists, dentists and other doctors that owned their own business. This is still our niche and we want you to know this podcast is still dedicated to you.
A podcast dedicated to improving the lives, careers and businesses of Orthodontists, Dentists and other doctors that own their own practice. Learn fresh new ways to improve your leadership skills to create a unique culture. Learn innovative ways to create an online marketing presence to increase new patients. Learn forward thinking ways to increase production, collections, treatment conversion, profit and more. Learn how to lessen advertising and marketing costs to increase profit. Learn inspiring ways to improve your life and career. Learn mind blowing ways to improve customer service, hospitality, presentation skills, verbiage and much more. New patient phone call skills, patient experience, treatment coordinator presentation topics and so much more. This podcast is listened to by orthodontists, dentists, plastic surgeons, reps, executives and anyone else wanting the most out of their life, career and business. Topics that dive deep into business, marketing, advertising, culture, leadership, and hundreds of other topics. This podcast is also for Treatment Coordinators, Receptionists and other employees wanting to advance their career and help the practice they work for thrive.
New Patient Group Podcast
Part 2 - Navigating Peer Influence: How your Clinical Peers are Sabotaging your Success
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This episode explores how listening to clinical peers can unintentionally sabotage your success. It emphasizes the need for transparency in mentorship and the importance of seeking diverse expertise beyond your immediate professional bubble.
• The importance of choosing mentors carefully
• Recognizing that clinical speakers may present an unrealistic image
• The need for honest discussions about challenges faced in practice
• Valuing insights from outside of your industry for balanced guidance
• Defining a true expert as someone who shares both successes and struggles
• Reevaluating the advice one follows based on personal business goals
• Encouraging critical thinking when consuming mentorship advice
• The impact of industry trends on individualized practices
• Promoting an authentic approach to professional growth
• A call to actively seek mentorship that aligns with one's personal vision
New Patient Group - The Employee & Patient Experience Co. Learn Advanced and Cutting Edge Skill Sets Used by the Finest People Businesses in the World, such as the Ritz Carlton and more. We are experts in the following areas and found a niche in orthodontics, dentistry and other healthcare professions years ago. We teach this expertise to enhance every interaction your team has with people you want to become patients or those who already are patients.
- Leadership
- Sales
- Hospitality
- Consumer Psychology
- Verbiage
- Presentation
- Communication
- Much More
The result of the above mentioned skill-sets is a much improved culture, new patients, treatment conversion, efficiency, profitability, treatment starts, revenue, patient referrals, patient compliance and more.
You have to be extremely careful who you listen to, who you take guidance from, who you view as a mentor, who you take coaching from, advice from about what to go back and do at your practice. Extremely careful Unlike ever before, by the way. Extremely careful. You have to understand that the people on stage may have a different vision than you, may have a different mission than you, may want something more different out of their life than you, run a completely different business model than you, so therefore they're going to need different treatment modalities, different outsource partners, different ways to accomplish it than possibly you need.
Speaker 1:The reality is, just because you hear it on stage doesn't mean that it's going to work for you.
Speaker 1:And in this ongoing series, which today is part two of how your clinical peers are sabotaging your success without you even knowing it, today I'm going to talk about something that is very startling that I saw an event a couple years ago with a expert panel or I use air quotes when I say that expert panel, because the ones up there talking it's a perfect example on how they are unintentionally so by no doubt is it with intent, but unintentionally sabotaging the businesses in the audience, and this is another reason reps listening, companies out there listening. This is why you cannot just have clinicians be your speakers. This is why you must have entrepreneurs from outside the bubble that can look at things like I'm going to talk about today and give a completely different perspective to the audience Because, make no mistake about it, your clinical peers are unintentionally sabotaging your success, and today we're going to talk about another way they're doing it in part two of this ongoing series on the New Patient Group podcast.
Speaker 2:They're doing it in part two of this ongoing series on the new patient group podcast. The time for real change is now, when tough times test us, we overcome. When hardship hits us, we persevere, we innovate, we transform, we transform. If you're ready to achieve something special, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life. Welcome to season eight of the new patient group audio experience, a podcast dedicated to revolutionizing lives, careers and business. So you, your team and your practice forever flourish in the new economy. And now your host. He's a husband, father of two, a founder and CEO of New Patient Group and RightChat faculty for Align Technology, and a trusted speaker for Invisalign and OrthoFi, Brian Wright.
Speaker 1:Hey, new Patient Group and RightChat Nation. Welcome inside the broadcast booth, brian Wright here, and welcome in to another edition of the New Patient Group podcast. Hope you're doing great out there. Everybody and everything is rolling along in your lives and your careers and your practices. If you're watching on YouTube, as always, thumb this up, make some comments, get some good dialogue going. If you're listening on the audio experience channels out there, please write us a five-star review on whatever experience channel you're listening to us on. As we continue growing this underground cult following baby, we are up. The global listens are just crazy. If you look in Asia and just Australia, you're just all over the place. The global listenings are just growing like crazy. They're growing in Canada, the United States and I owe it to all of you. So I appreciate your support, as always everybody.
Speaker 1:A couple years ago I'm speaking at an event and as we go through this ongoing series, I don't want anybody. If this may be the first podcast you've ever listened to, this could be the first part of this series that you're listening to and if you see the title, I don't believe anybody is going up on stage or creating courses that are intentionally sabotaging your success. I guess maybe somebody might be where they have ill intent, but the purpose of this ongoing series is not hey, your clinical peers are up there on stage the dentist you just listened to, the orthodontist you just listened to at the AAO. Whatever type of doctor you are out there, they're not hopping up there and sabotaging your business on purpose. But and this puts a great emphasis on why you must continually go outside your bubble, regardless of whatever your bubble is. If you're a chef out there, that listen because we do have restaurants that listen to this podcast, whatever it is you've got to go beyond your industry to seek people that are true experts in the non-whatever you do, the non-dentistry, the non-orthodontics, the non-food, et cetera, et cetera. And this series really proves the point. Because if you get people consistently up on stage talking about the non-food things, up on stage talking about the non-food things, the non-orthodontist things, you're going to run into scenarios where people are talking about things that they are not experts in and companies out there.
Speaker 1:I think it's a real flaw and I have made some success over the years not as much as I would like, but I've certainly made some success. Otherwise, you know the one constant at these events throughout dentistry and orthodontics, the one constant that's the outsider that is constantly speaking on stage is me, and it's something that you know today's not about us, but it's something I'm very proud of because we're able to bring in a message that really conflicts and really debunks a lot of the things that are being taught by in industry people and that, over time, has created a. You know, some of the biggest names in orthodontics, biggest names in dentistry and beyond that, are customers, because they are attracted to that and when you are constantly going to events inside your bubble and only listening to people inside your bubble, this is what this is what's going to happen. So a couple years ago I'm speaking at this event and it was a good event overall good event, and we had some of our customers actually speaking there. Mark Olson was speaking there, a couple others, and I noticed that the final kind of show they had, the final closeout, was an expert panel, five or six doctors, five or six, and this was an orthodontic event. So five or six orthodontists were up there and you know I'm sitting in the audience and I'm listening and you know just one thing after another, these doctors are up there going yeah, my practice is awesome and just do it this way and you'll be fine. And my practice is growing and conversions up and I've got no problems and you know the outsourcing has solved it all and you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 1:And and I made it about I don't know 30 or 40% through and I couldn't take it anymore because what I was watching is exactly what I teach these companies on why you have to have speakers come from with outside the bubble. Because the speakers that were up there on stage and I do think this is a speaker flaw, me included where if you sit back and listen to this podcast or if you go watch me speak or you watch a clinician speak, we can get into this habit where we make everything in our world sound so easy and beautiful and perfect. And why aren't you like us and how come you have problems? We don't. And I do think it's a real speaker flaw.
Speaker 1:It's like the clinical speakers that get up and they only show you their great cases. All that does is demoralize and put fear into people that are maybe just getting started with clear aligners. It just it has the opposite effect. So if you don't get up there and show your not great cases and say this is where I started, or just last week I screwed one up, like it's going to happen to you and here's how to avoid that. If you're not doing that, it can really have the opposite effect on an audience, because the reality is we all have problems, like I mean, we've got problems internally. You know it's all about paying attention to them and constantly making the employee moves that are necessary and obsessing over your customer. It doesn't mean you're not going to screw up. It doesn't mean you're not going to have screw ups. It just means that you got to stay on top of it.
Speaker 1:And I think to audiences we can sometimes come across that everything's rosy and what the hell's wrong with you and stuff like that. And that's how this air quotes expert panel came across big time. And the reason why I got so disgusted early on in it is because every single one of those doctors that were up there acting like their life and their team and their practice, their business, and what a disaster it was, how it wasn't growing, conversion was down, hr problems, expenses are through the roof, can't get new patients I mean they are and they all had their own issues and then they all had a lot of similarities at the same time, but they were a lot. And and I, I, I ask all of you out there is that does. Do you see? The problem Like this is you go in as an audience member and you watch them up on stage and everything is hunky dory, but yet they're at our booth the day before saying what a what a mess their practices and their life, and you know, one of them hadn't paid himself in like two years, and things like that. And and I will say, you know, if you're going to have, you know, a true expert is the one that's asking for help, receiving help, realizing that they're they're not the know-it-all and the be-all. Uh, you know, they're seeking guidance, they're seeking mentorship. You know, that's. That's an expert. Um, an expert is also somebody that gets on stage and says, hey, look, I've got problems Right now we're not growing. And here are the things that I'm doing and the advice that I'm seeking and the steps that I'm taking to make sure next year is not like this year.
Speaker 1:Hey, everybody, brian, right here, let's step away from today's podcast. Hope you're enjoying it, but let's step away for a minute and talk about our MPG mastermind group and how you know, the messaging today on the podcast is get yourself uncomfortable and go outside your bubble and seek the advice of famous entrepreneurs that are experts in the non whatever it is that you do sales, psychology, hospitality, verbiage, presentation, right Just experts at owning successful businesses that produce a return on your time. So you have the time freedom, as well as the financial freedom to enjoy whatever it is you want out of your life, and those are things that we dive heavily into in my mastermind group. We have the most forward thinking doctors on the planet involved in this and it's such a wonderful clinical think tank that advances your clinical skill sets forward, but also a business entrepreneur life think tank that is so, so advanced and you will get so much out of it, and we really want you to join and make 2025 the year that you really took action and really went outside your bubble to absolutely advance your life, advance the careers of your employees right. You get wonderful on-demand content as, being a mastermind member, you get our live bootcamp coaching sessions where Coach Eric and myself are coaching these things into your organization. You get to get on these live sessions with our other customers that are going through the same journey. It's just an amazing, close-knit group and there's so much more that comes with it. As well as our Wednesday sessions, our in-person event, every year you get a trip to my house with your spouse to stay with some other doctors for some great life and business sessions. It's just an amazing, amazing group of people all the way around. So make 2025 the year you took action, joined our mastermind group, and let us really take your business, your practice, your life, to a whole nother level that you may have thought not even possible before. All right, so look forward to seeing you in our new patient group, mastermind. There's a link to schedule with Stephanie, our director of client experiences, in the description below. Let her describe more and, if I can, I can hop on that meeting with her if I have the time and looking forward to seeing you soon in our Mastermind Group.
Speaker 1:Now let's get back to today's episode. Right, that's an expert and, unfortunately, a lot of speakers you know get up there and they just want to tell you everything is so perfect and you know it goes so far beyond. This, too, is is that, you know and these are for future podcasts where you know audience members will go to the AO or some dental event and it's like you see some, some person speaking on stage and the next thing you know, you're going and buying everything that they, that they use, and they're just sitting here going. Guys, the person on stage may run a totally different business model. Once we just talked about this, you know a little bit, uh, when I had Bob Scopac on to kick off this season is, you know, you you've got to have your vision first and and then you've got to start filling in the gaps. Right, you've got to know the type practice you want, the type business you want, the type of life you want, and as you fill in those things, then you go out and you find people that will help you get there. You will find outsource partners, speakers, things like that, right, and that's kind of what Bob did with with us, right, it's like we fit the vision of what he wanted to be in two, three, four, five, six years, and that's why we've had this, this long, powerful relationship.
Speaker 1:Same way with with many of our other customers is we're not an overnight fix. We don't intend to be an overnight fix. We we tend to be an ongoing partnership to get you through the journey, and the journey is different every single year, but I proudly sit behind this mic and go hey, we got problems. Man, when you run, you know, coaching and digital marketing under one roof with New Patient Group and then over on RightChat, you know what we do there and answer new patient calls for people, it requires a lot of humans and look, humans including me. We're not perfect. We make mistakes. So it's this ebb and flow of, okay, things are going really well, let's stay on top of things to make sure they keep going well and then, regardless, things are going to drop off, whether it be sales, whether it be the experience our customers receive.
Speaker 1:And I have a podcast, the True Sign of an Exceptional Company, that will come out someday. But what the premise of that is, what I'm talking about right now is is the true sign of an exceptional company and a true sign of an expert is people that are on top of stuff. They fix stuff, they admit their faults, they admit things are going wrong, they make the proper HR moves, the proper ongoing you know shifts in the company to make sure you get to the next level. And there should be a comfort as a customer out there knowing that you are investing in a leadership team, like with new patient group, that's always going to be on top of it Doesn't mean we're going to be perfect, doesn't mean there's not going to be issues, but we will always get them fixed. Whether it be overnight or in six months, they're always going to be fixed. See, those are things that make up an expert.
Speaker 1:An expert panel is not five or six people sitting on stage telling you everything's perfect, just do it my way. And yet the day before they're at the booth complaining their life and business is a nightmare. Right, you really have to watch everybody who you're listening to, and it could be for a couple reasons. It could be, like I said, you may be listening to somebody who their practice is rocking and rolling, but it's an entirely different business model and they want completely different things out of their life and their practice than you. Right, that is not a person. It doesn't mean that you can't listen, but it is not a person that's going to get you where you need to be. And then, as the example I used today, it could be a person telling you everything's great, just do what I do. Meanwhile, their life and their practice is an absolute disaster and, like I said, a true expert would get up there and say that to the audience and then say this is how I'm making it better. That's an expert.
Speaker 1:An expert is not what I just described, who's complaining at the booth and you know, saying, hey, we listen to your podcast, we're trying to do this and you know we need further. It's just not. If they would have gone up on stage and said those things OK, great, now they're an expert, but just be careful, everybody and this is how and I do again think with most people it's unintentional, but this is how your people in your bubble, your clinical peers and I also see it with consultants that are in this industry that have no other experience outside of it, right Like a hotel or a restaurant wouldn't hire them in a million years to teach the equivalent of the same thing. They go around inside orthodontics, as an example, or dentistry to teach the equivalent of the same thing. They go around inside orthodontics as an example, or dentistry to teach. And they are teaching things that are against the psychological definitions that I know exist and the way the consumer is changing. And I just sit there and listen to some of them on stage.
Speaker 1:I was at an event earlier this past year on stage. I was at an event earlier this past year, in 2024, and listening to some consultants on stage and I'm just like, oh my God, like you are teaching people things that are going to ruin them, when the economies that you know, when tough times are tough, et cetera, but they don't know what they don't know. And there are things that I don't know what I don't know. There's things all of you don't know.
Speaker 1:What you don't know, right, it happens to all of us, but you just need to be careful who you're following out there everybody. And you need to make sure that your vision is set. You've got the treatment modalities and things picked out on the business side that are going to help you get there, and then you're going to go out and buy from the outsource partners and follow people like and it may not be me, right, I may want and envision something for all of you that is different than what you want. If that's the case, you need to be very careful about what I teach on here, right? So that's how it works. Just be careful, everybody, because your clinical peers are sabotaging, unintentionally, your success out there and you've gotta be very, very careful who you listen to who you follow. All right, thanks so much everybody for listening and, as always, appreciate your sport until next time. We'll see everybody soon. Bye-bye.